viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Intermediate and Advanced Homework for Week Beginning 28th of Feb.


P55 and P 59 2(B)Students Book plus listening CD and Pub Quiz preparation! ; )
(NA1A also P58)


P31 Students Book and Page 19 work-book plus listening CD and Pub Quiz preparation. ; )

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

How Now Brown Cow: A Phonemics Chart...!

Want to practice some English sounds? Go here to this great phonemics chart, press on the sound and get repeating! ; )
And don't forget to let me know how you got on...

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Intermediate: Nelson Mandela Biography

Listen to this biography which will help you consolidate some of the information in the reader in preparation for the Reader Pub Quiz next week on the 2nd and 3rd of March. There will be a prize of some books for the group that gains the most points! ; )

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

No Class Today (Wednesday 16th)

Hello everyone,

I am unable to give class today as I am sick. I will let you know through this Blog Post if there is class tomorrow (Thursday, 17th), hopefully, I will be ok by then. Thanks.

Update on Thursday 17th

I am feeling a bit better today (Thursday 17th) and hope to see you all in class.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

How many song titles can you think of with the word 'Love' in them?

Can you finish the poem below? You can substitute 'do' for 'did' or 'could'

Do I love you?
(I think I do)
I think I love you more than ……….
But do I love you as much as ……….?

These are just some of the things we are going to talk about today in prepared! ; )

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Intermediate and Advanced: Class Reader Review


Remember that the deadline for finishing reading this first class reader is the 2nd and 3rd of March, just before the Carnival holiday break. Please prepare a written book review for the 23rd or 24th of February. Use the information below. Be prepared to discuss your review with other class members. Afterwards, I will collect the reviews.


Intermediate 1: Use phrases, vocab. and ideas from the exercises on Page 76 and 77 of your workbook to help you write your review.

Advanced 1: Use phrases, vocab. and ideas from the exercises on Page 93 of your workbook to help you write your review.

Book Review

1. Your Name:

2. Title of Book:

3. Type of Book:

Select what type of book it is from the following adjectives:

Adventure, Relationships, Action-based, Non-Fiction, Fantasy, Detective, Science-Fiction, Historical, Romance, Autobiographical.

4.Date Started:

5. Date Finished:

6. Choose from the list below or think of your own adjectives to describe this book.

Fascinating, Absorbing, Unusual, Interesting, Different, Realistic, Too Slow,

Boring, Repetitive, Too Unrealistic, Difficult, Easy, Complicated Story-line,

Predictable, Unpredictable,

Other Adjectives:

7. Describe a favourite character or event or both in the book. Explain why you have chosen this character or event or both.

8. Name one memorable thing, positive or negative, in this book for you, maybe it is an event, character or line. Explain why it is memorable for you.

9. Is this book similar to any other book you have read, if so, which book/s? Would you read a similar book again? Why? Why not?

10. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Select a star rating for the book.

5***** I totally recommend this book, I loved it.
4**** I recommend this book, It's good.
3*** This book is quite good so yes, I recommend it.
2** I didn't enjoy this book so I wouldn't really recommend it.
1* I would never read a book like this again. I absolutely don't recommend it.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Listen and Write

Hi everyone,

I'd like to show you another tool that will help with your listening skills. It's called Listen and Write and you can find it here. It is a great tool which has articles from the news and you can listen to these articles as many times as you want while you write and the tool corrects you. You do not have to download anything but you have to register on the site. It is definitely worth exploring. I hope to do one of these listenings in class sometime soon but meanwhile you can explore it yourselves. Good luck!

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Improve Your Listening Through Lyrics Training

This is a great website. It's called Lyrics Training, you listen to songs and type the lyrics. Why not try it? ; )